
Ultrahigh-resolution nano particle tracers. Optimize well spacing and lateral placement with affordable stage-level flow profiling.

FloTrac ultrahigh-resolution nanoparticle tracers are especially unique in that precise flow mapping at the stage level is now available to companies of all sizes. Until FloTrac, flow profiles at the stage level was accessible only to those with the resources to employ production logging tools, permanent and retrievable fiber optic-enabled distributed temperature surveys, distributed acoustic sensing and other extremely expensive and invasive diagnostics.

In hundreds of multi-stage horizontal wells, FloTrac proved its capacity to quickly and very precisely identify non-producing or minimally producing stages and critical inter-well communication events, giving you all the insight required to make timely decisions and avoid otherwise unnecessary costs and optimize your production stream.

Lateral placement

Concurrent with stage-level flow profiling, QuantumPro analytics allow you to clearly visualize where your lateral or vertical placement falls in relation to the most productive zone for each well. The wealth of post-frac performance data for each well we provide can be used to expeditiously tweak your existing design or guide your subsequent field development strategy by shaping optimal lateral placement, lateral length and stage spacing. These observations help you achieve maximum production from each stage and minimize unnecessary completion costs.

FloTrac Nanoparticle Tracers

Our portfolio of intelligent FloTrac ultrahigh-resolution nanoparticle tracers has revolutionized the way energy companies manage their production assets. Developed from cost-effective materials, the more than 220 distinctively tagged, non-radioactive and non-hazardous tracers in the FloTrac toolbox are formulated with the highest degree of sub-atomic detection accuracy and resolution, enabling exceptional recovery rates and flow mapping capabilities.

Unlike chemical tracers, every FloTrac nanoparticle tracer is compatible with both water and oil, meaning you need only a single tracer composition, regardless of the fluid stream, reducing costs considerably. Also, since insoluble FloTrac tracers do not dissolve after deployment, sampling and analysis can be performed for at least seven months, well beyond the capability of liquid tracers. Along with offering superior ''frac-hits'' mapping information, the uniquely formulated FloTrac tracers also maintain stability in temperatures up to 2,000 deg. F.

FloTrac ultrahigh-resolution nanoparticle tracers are easily deployed, requiring no surface or down-hole modifications, unlike microseismic, fiber optics and other invasive and high-cost production diagnostic technologies.

To ensure your objectives are met, prior to deployment every FloTrac ultrahigh-resolution nanoparticle tracer is put through rigorous lab testing and validation processes to ensure optimal down-hole performance and flow efficiency. That stringent protocol extends to the field, where FloTrac tracers are deployed by highly experienced field specialists, using a precise automated dosage system with real-time injection monitoring. The injection process is recorded and streamed live into the Cloud for real-time quality assurance and quality control.

Data-driven diagnostics

Capitalizing on our advanced geomechanics and frac diagnostic expertise, QuantumPro is uniquely positioned to help you diagnose, in near real-time during production, any reservoir, completion or inter-well communication issues before you incur unnecessary expense. Our portable and specially designed on-site laboratory analyses incorporates production samples sub-atomic analysis, big-data analytics, 3D reservoir flow visualization and proprietary nanoparticle detection capabilities to provide accurate, calibrated, actionable and affordable flow diagnostics results.

High-resolution graphic representations

QuantumPro encapsulates the results of our advanced diagnostics in high-quality graphic representations, giving you a fluids eye-view of near real-time flow and production behavior with unprecedented granularity at the stage-level and holistic measured insight on the specific type of ''frac-hits'' communication. With this visual and continuous flow assurance insight, you can clearly monitor in near real-time which stages are providing maximum production contribution and which are not. You can see if each stage placement and spacing is fully optimized, and even what frac and completion design/s would deliver maximum production on every stage/well.

Frac hit mitigation

On tightly spaced multi-well pads in the unconventional oil and gas sector, production-draining direct inter-stage communication, or ''frac hits,'' has been blamed for billions of dollars in lost revenue. Field data shows the FloTrac ultrahigh-resolution nanoparticle tracer among the most viable and affordable solutions for not only pinpointing a frac hit in your well, but also for characterizing the type and severity of any detected inter-well communication event. By using FloTrac, you can quickly determine whether you are sustaining production draining direct prop frac-to-frac communication or something much less consequential, like simple fluid migration.

Geothermal heat transfer

The demonstrated efficacy of FloTrac ultrahigh-resolution nanoparticle tracers to identify and characterize inter-well communication events is especially critical in the rapidly growing geothermal sector. Contemporary multi-stage enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) require optimum and uniform flow and communication between the injection well and every producing well. Fortified with extreme temperature stability, FloTrac signals provide diagnostic insight to optimize injection rates, promote the best and most efficient cross-well communication and more efficiently extract heat to generate a clean and reliable power supply.

IOR/EOR optimization

The capacity of FloTrac ultrahigh-resolution nanoparticle tracers to map flow behavior make them the obvious choice for improved oil recovery or enhanced oil recovery (IOR/EOR) projects. Beginning with designing the most optimum injection schedule, FloTrac-derived diagnostics provide valuable information that identifies any communication between injection and production wells, detects any water breakthrough or any otherwise unseen problem that could defeat the ultimate purpose of your IOR/EOR project.

Breech abatement

Not all wells are constructed to deliver production streams. For wells drilled for saltwater disposal, cuttings re-injection, carbon storage and sequestration and the like, maintaining permanent wellbore and formation storage integrity is a must and mandated by environmental and regulatory requirements. To that end, return signals from FloTrac ultrahigh-resolution nanoparticle tracers ensure your injection wells are not landed in faults or other downhole hazards and that your injection processes are not breaching the sealing containment zone, which could lead to environmentally and economically devastating breeches and subsurface communication.

ESG advancement

FloTrac ultrahigh-resolution nanoparticle tracers can help you meet your company's environmental, societal and governmental (ESG) initiatives. FloTrac uniquely tagged tracers distinctly require no hazardous radioactive sources, which in itself reduces your environmental footprint. What's more, the documented efficiency of FloTrac to guide you in avoiding the development of non-producing or minimally producing stages removes associated frac pumping and logistics-related emissions.

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